What does it take to become a master of yourself? Can you practice discipline to accomplish the things you want to do in your life?
The Cultivating My Self-Mastery energy allows you to explore working with your emotions and thoughts so that they don't control you. It lets you consider how you make decisions and focus on being more conscious and disciplined about your decisions.
Engage with the exercises below to start your journey with this energy concept.
Reflection Practice: A Picture's Worth a Thousand Words
Images are powerful and can help us get right to the heart of the matter. Gaze at the image on the card below and ask yourself the following questions as you do so. Journal about your answers and reactions to the image.
What about the image draws you most strongly? A shape, color, or something else?
Are there areas where you don’t like to look?
What thoughts, memories or emotions arise?
Do you have sensations in any areas of your body and what do those feel like?
Energy Engagement Questions: Create Your Own Practice
Use these questions to creatively explore the energy concept in your life. You may choose to write, paint, craft, sing, dance, make music, meditate, read Tarot/Oracle cards, or something else to connect with the energy.
In what ways do I calm myself down when my emotions begin to overwhelm me?
How well do I know myself, and what triggers me?
What disciplined practices do I use (or want to use) to establish mastery over my emotions and behaviors?
If you would like to engage with the entire Cultivating My Self-Mastery energy journey, you can do so by purchasing a copy of the "Liberate!" book. The rest of the journey includes:
Redder Fable
10 Energy Engagement Questions
Calming the Storm Journey Meditation
Disciplining My Choices Awareness Practice
Disciplining My Distractions Card Spread
Engage with these exercises and 12 more energy journeys in the book, plus two bonus chapters. There are two ways to buy:
Purchase the paperback book and 15-card supporting deck in my online or Your Journey Shop.
Purchase a paperback or e-book version on Amazon.
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